Relax. This year’s budget is under control.

MRS has provided nearly $1 billion in new money to organizations like yours, across Pennsylvania. That’s money that can be integrated into your current budget.

Who we are.

There is almost $2 billion in uncollected real estate taxes in Pennsylvania. Our turnkey program helps to bring stability to your budget by capturing these resources.

Municipal Revenue Service is the only purchaser of delinquent tax liens for PA cities, schools, counties and other taxing districts. These districts, like yours, stand to receive an immediate source of funds up front through our service. This new revenue stream generates windfall in year one and is designed to be used continually so the you can maximize its cash flow year after year.

We were granted a patent for our unique tax lien management process because our system seamlessly converts unpaid real estate taxes into instant revenue without disrupting your current tax collection process. Our team of experienced professionals have a deep understanding of how county governments operate, and we use this knowledge to deliver results that make a real difference.

How it works

1. A taxing entity (i.e. City, County or School District) sells its delinquent real estate tax claims to MRS.

2. We’re able to pay up front 90% of the face amount of the tax liens for the four most recent fiscal years.

3. You’ll receive an immediate source of revenue up front which can be incorporated into the current annual budget.

NOTE: MRS does not collect the taxes. The taxing authority’s current collection system remains intact. The existing delinquent tax collector collects the taxes and then remits the funds collected to the purchaser.


The ability to infuse immediate revenue into a spending budget can serve as a useful tool to help address many of the shared challenges facing Pennsylvania taxing entities, especially Pennsylvania school districts. Using the MRS program to sell tax liens does that and more:

  • Add new revenue to your budget by accessing your accounts receivable.
  • Past due taxes that may have been on the rolls for years are resolved.
  • Assures receipt of expected cash flow, improving future planning / budgeting.                  
  • Holds down interest on loans as bond rating improves for taxing district. 
  • Helps prevent slumlords from accumulating more distressed property.
  • The relationship between the tax collector and taxpayer remains unchanged. 
  • In subsequent years revenue can equal or exceed your budgeted amount. 
  • The taxing entity (city, county or school district) retains control over the liens. 
  • The property becomes a tax source again for the local government.

Ways others have used their windfall from selling tax liens:

Updated computers/tablets
Augment “rainy day” fund
New uniforms
Renovate athletic facilities
Close a budget gap

Discover how a tax lien sale will generate the revenue your community needs to thrive.

Arrange a meeting or schedule a no-obligation seminar. We can provide an exact proposal with simple information from your County Tax Claim Bureau or delinquent collector.

Downloadable Resources

User’s Guide

Client References

MRS Power Point