May, 2017
School Money Matters
Online Newsletter From Municipal Revenue Service
Online Newsletter From Municipal Revenue Service
Online Newsletter From Municipal Revenue Service
©2015 Municipal Revenue Service.  Municipal Revenue Service is a Patented Tax Lien Management Program.  All Rights Reserved.
Helping Pennsylvania School Districts realize new revenue for their budgets by selling delinquent property taxes with our patented tax lien management program.
Hazelton Area School District Teams Up with MRS Again to Generate Added Revenue Stream with Tax Lien Management
Municipal Revenue Service (MRS) is always pleased to announce new enrollees in our patented tax lien management program, even more so when previous clients decide to team up with us again and reinstate a cash flow stream from the sale of delinquent property taxes. Such is the case with the Hazelton Area School District. “We were so glad when they contacted us again, presenting us with an RFP,” says Jeff Spaulding, Director of Business Development at MRS. “It had been several years since we last partnered to generate instant revenue from the sale of their unpaid taxes. Our expertise is brokering solid deals between financial institutions and non-profit entities so school districts can profit from extra cash from the sale of unpaid property taxes. Their tax collection will go on uninterrupted as it did before,” Jeff explains. “And I can’t seem to state this enough, MRS is not a tax collector.” One of the reasons school districts like Hazelton choose the MRS program is that it generates the maximum amount of revenue from a solid asset like tax liens.
School Money Matters
Online Newsletter From Municipal Revenue Service
Online Newsletter From Municipal Revenue Service
School Money Matters School Money Matters
Online Newsletter From Municipal Revenue Service
Online Newsletter From Municipal Revenue Service
Online Newsletter From Municipal Revenue Service
MRS Exhibits & Explains Tax Lien Management at 62nd Annual PASBO Conference Amid Growing Interest in the Program
If you didn’t attend this year’s PASBO Conference, you missed getting a copy of our “User’s Guide to Generating Revenue by Selling Your Delinquent Real Estate Taxes”. Contact us today & we’ll send you a copy. Learn about selling your tax liens for instant revenue you can start using in your budget immediately.
You get 90 cents on the dollar upfront and because your taxing district also collects penalties and interest from the delinquent property taxes, you can realize over 100% of the face value when you stay with the program. Maximize Added Revenue Stream Year After Year Initiating the process, staying with the MRS program or as in the case of Hazelton Area School District, returning to start a new cycle of revenue generation, all these are examples of how the MRS Tax Lien Management Program can be used continuously so your taxing entity can maximize its cash flow, year after year. The No-Obligation Tax Lien Management Seminar MRS makes learning about tax lien management easy.  To schedule a no-obligation educational seminar for  your superintendent, business managers or school  board, call MRS today at 814-476-0400 and ask for Jeff Spaulding or Jim Geronimo.  Visit our website at to find  out more. And remember: We’re not tax collectors.  Let’s talk tax lien management soon.
Prepare for Large PA Budget Shortfall. Generate New Revenue by Selling Your Unpaid Property Taxes the MRS Way.
As budget season arrives, Pennsylvania faces its biggest revenue shortfall since The Great Recession. The $1billion+ budget gap this will create, with less than 2 months left in the fiscal year, will have school business managers scrambling for ways to offset this. Part of that solution is to generate a new, continuous revenue stream to help cover unforeseen challenges and protect or rebuild your fund balance. Tax lien management services from MRS can help. Once your school district initiates the program, it creates a new revenue stream that didn’t exist before that continues to provide additional funds where you need them, year after year when you stay with the program. Beyond the shortfall, you may need help addressing the pension crisis, the rise of charter schools that divert revenue, along with the possibility of future federal and state cutbacks to education. Call MRS today at 814- 476-0400 and take that first step towards tax lien management.
This year’s PASBO Conference has to be the largest gathering of exhibitors and attendees we’ve seen, and we’ve proudly exhibited at many of these conferences; well attended by exhibitors and attendees alike, with a solid statewide representation of school business professionals. For MRS, it’s an opportunity to explain the fundamentals of tax lien management, what it is, and what it isn’t (it most definitely is NOT tax collection).  And something has happened since the last PASBO event. A surge of interest in the MRS program, via on-line visits to our website ( and requests for us to present our tax lien management seminar to superintendents and school boards. In addition to the PASBO follow up requests, the MRS team is always looking to fill presentation dates, so please don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule a no-obligation seminar.
Helping Pennsylvania Taxing Districts Hit By Unpaid Property Taxes Generate New Revenue For Their Budgets Since 2003